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Temple Hill

Primary Academy

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Temple Hill

Primary Academy

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Polling Day

REMINDER PARTIAL CLOSURE- Temple Hill will be a polling station this Thursday!

TH will be used as a Polling Station on Thursday 2nd May. The school will therefore be partially closed.


Nursery Parent Meetings will take place all day- Parents and Carers can gain access directly from the nursery gate as usual. Please sign up for a slot ASAP.


Year 6 Children
Pupils will be in school from 8:30-12:00 only. Pupils will need to use the Entrance/Exit via KS2 gate - Children do not need to wear school uniform


Children in Reception, Yr 1 , Yr2, Yr 3, Yr 4 and Yr 5 are not required to be in school on this day. Breakfast and ASC will be closed


Where learning, laughter, challenge and community responsibility are encouraged and celebrated!
